Solar forecast hints at a big chill: ‘Might cool down temperatures on Earth’
‘Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade’
Which Issue ‘That The Survival Of Civilization Hinges On’ Was Missing In The CNN GOP Debate?
AP’s Seth Borenstein: Sun going quiet: Sunspots may disappear for years — ‘Might mean a little less increase in global warming’ — ‘It’s happened before, but not for a couple centuries’
Sun’s Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity: ‘Would affect everything from space exploration to Earth’s climate’
Why hasn’t he been removed from his post?: UN IPCC head Pachauri continues to completely ignore the IPCC “essential” direction on policy neutrality
New Refutation of Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ Science: Medieval Warming Prosperity Collapsed Due To Devastation of Rapid Climate Cooling
Obama’s disdainful regarding impact of EPA regulations: ‘So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can…’