Climate Depot’s Round Up of GOP Gov. Chris Christie’s global warming promotion

[Also see: Sierra Club’s Carl Pope recognizes Climate Depot as Kingmaker: ‘All seem to be mindful of the remarkable know-nothing standard set for GOP candidates by Marc Morano’ & Bravo! Potential GOP Pres. candidate & TX Gov. Rick Perry Gets it! Perry: Global warming is ‘all one contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight’ ]

Climate Depot’s Morano on Christie: ‘His straight-shooting image has been shattered by his recent calculated and really bad climate claims’

Morano: ‘Christie did not respond to multiple meeting offerings from top scientists in New Jersey, but meets with a collection of alarmists scientists. He is following in the misguided footsteps of George W. Bush on climate. Christie is attempting to pursue the discredited strategy of accepting the alleged science of anthropogenic AGW while rejecting so called solutions’

Climate Depot’s Morano on Christie: ‘Christie’s absurd claim that more than 90% of scientists agree is the verbal equivalent of sitting on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi’

Christie has no clue what he is talking about: Flashback: Climate Con: 97% ‘consensus’ claims exposed! Only 75 anonymous scientists are behind the media’s 97% of scientists ‘agree’ claims! — More on 90% consensus claims here.

SPECIAL REPORT: More Than 1000 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims – Challenge UN IPCC & Gore

Why did Christie refuse to meet with Happer of Princeton?! On global warming, Christie needs to visit NJ’s own Dr. Will Happer (and Freeman Dyson!)

Flashback 2009: Will Happer Tells Congress: Earth in ‘CO2 Famine’ — ‘The increase of CO2 is not a cause for alarm and will be good for mankind’ — ‘Children should not be force-fed propaganda, masquerading as science’

Gov. Gullible — Christie duped by warmist professors! ‘Gov. Christie has chosen to listen to viewpoints outside the realm of serious science for basing policy’

‘Christie needs to show that [conversion to warmist] was a one-off mistake in judgment and correct it immediately’

Christie Listening To Alarmists Outside Of Mainstream Climate Science — ‘taking the counsel of fringe alarmists’

Christie’s Key Climate advisor Prof. Ken Miller’s sea level predictions ‘are far outside range of UN IPCC estimates & measured data’ — ‘Europe’s Envisat satellite shows sea level rising at only 3 inches per century, and that sea level is lower now than when they started measuring 8 years ago…Tide gauges in NJ indicate less than a foot