Obama To Greens – Just Wait Until After 2012 Election: Offers ‘beleaguered green base some titillating morsels for what he hopes to deliver on energy policy if he wins a 2nd term’
Warmist George Monbiot: ‘All of us in the environment movement…are lost. None of us yet has a convincing account of how humanity can get out of this mess’
Cheers! Canadian Elections Return a Government Hostile to Climate ‘Action’!
Warmist Daniel Lashof insists weather is climate! ‘But We Are Seeing Climate Refugees’ [email protected]
Modeled after Joseph Stalin’s Plans? Gore lusts after China’s five-year plan!
1975: Climatologists Blamed Record Tornadoes On Global Cooling
1975 : Climatologists Blamed Record Tornadoes On Global Cooling
…2011: With Temps Below Normal & Plummeting, Romm Blames Tornadoes/Floods On Global Warming — ‘By contrast, 2010 was a warm spring and had below normal tornadoes’
Al Gore Tells Time Magazine Global Warming Skeptics Just As Dim As Birthers
Warmist Scott Pelley to take over as anchor of CBS Evening News –expect one-sided climate drivel!
By BRIAN MONTOPOLI CBS NEWS March 23, 2006, 10:30 AM
Scott Pelley And Catherine Herrick On Global Warming Coverage
This …
Prince Charles is an ‘eco-hypocrite,’ film-maker claims