Listen Now: Tax Dollars At Work: EPA global warming hoax rap for children: “The climate is changing and that’s a fact, bears don’t know when to take a nap’
‘Voodoo Climate Science’: UN’s forecast of 50 million Climate ‘refugees’ was ‘dead wrong’
Controversy in Ghana: Is regular flooding caused by the voodoo priestess? I it caused by mankind’s emission of trace amounts of natural, harmless, invisible gas?
The nightingale does not sing anymore – blame it on climate change!
Steve McIntyre slaps down Andrew Revkin and Randy Olson on the state of ‘climate communication’: I ‘disagree in the strongest possible terms…that climate communication has been too ‘cerebral’
Climate Audit on the latest Climategate scandal: ‘CRU Refuses FOI Request for Yamal Climategate Chronology’
Alternative Energy’s Fairy Tale: ‘Encouraging consumers to buy wildly uncompetitive technology is not the way to promote technological advance’
EPA Shuts Down Drilling in Alaska
High-Speed Rail Is Failing in China
Hold the accolades on China’s ‘green leap forward’: ‘China is not an obvious environmental leader. It is beleaguered by severe pollution and generates more carbon emissions than any other nation’