Chris Horner Rebuts Mann: ‘Your allegation is false until you somehow demonstrate otherwise, and your problem lies with the NOAA IG whose transcript indicates these events transpired’
Flashback: Penn State inquiry found: ‘There exists no credible evidence that Mann had ever engaged in, or participated in, directly or indirectly, any actions with intent to delete…’
UK’s Jon Snow leaves journalism to frighten kids for the UN: ‘According to Mr Snow climate change is going to mean children will have to endure ‘excessive rain” and “water….in short supply’
Climate researchers: Russian heat wave was natural — Not caused by global warming
Polar Bear Populations Have Tripled During Unprecedented Warming
Europe, apparently in a hurry to go bankrupt, proposes $375 billion a year to fight global warming
Michael Mann Unleashes: ‘This is, in short, a despicable smear that, more than anything else…’
Update: Eugene Wahl responds: ‘the forwarded message came without any additional comment from Dr. Mann; there was no request from him to delete emails’
EPIC FAIL: NASA’s James Hansen in 1986: ‘2 to 4’ Degrees Warming From 2001-2010
UN IPCC wacky scientist Adam Fenech claims: Climate change has an effect on everything, ‘even crime and love’