Prof. Judith Curry on ‘Hiding the decline’ — ‘Bad science and/or dishonesty?’ — ‘Can anyone defend ‘hide the decline?’
Warmist Guru Chris Field of IPCC –Sucking up Big Bucks from Big Oil & Government teats! [email protected]
A Perfect Union. Both deal in fiction: UN presses Hollywood to draw attention to ‘dangers of global warming’ UN seeks to influence story lines in movies, TV
Flashback: Climate Depot’s Factsheet on 1970s Coming ‘Ice Age’ Claims: ‘Fears of a coming ice age, showed up in peer-reviewed literature, at scientific conferences’
‘Coral Reefs Expand As the Oceans Warm’: Peer-reviewed paper in the journal Geophysical Research Letters finds warming oceans expand the range of tropical corals northward’
NASA: Sea Level Declining Around The US
‘Unimaginable amounts of money are effectively being poured down the drain (with AGW), taking the future of millions of young people with it’
Climate zealots made my life hell for being a sceptic says Kids TV host, who was victim of porn and blog smears — Claims warmists smeared him by declareing ‘he should not be allowed near children’
‘Dirty’ Energy Dwarfs Clean in China and India
Warmist Conman & UN IPCC’s Chris Field in a Tizzy about Rep. Luetkemeyer’s bill to defund UN IPCC! Field calls IPCC ‘a remarkable pool of scientific knowledge’ [email protected]