Prof. Larry Bell of Forbes, fires back at for their ‘desperate hit and run tactics’ against skeptics

Climate Depot Exclusive

By Prof. Larry Bell

Prof. Larry Bell’s Response to’s Alleged “Debunking” of My Forbes Article titled “Hot Sensations vs. Cold Facts” (Bell is author of the new book: “Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power behind the Global Warming Hoax.”)

Prof. Larry Bell: I have recently earned the special distinction afforded to such other global warming crisis skeptics as Senator James Inhofe; Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick who exposed the infamously flawed “hockey stick” graph that has been used to promote human-caused climate hysteria; writers Michael Crichton and George Will; and many others who take issue with their ideologically-based alarmism.

The RealClimate website which purports to represent “real climate science by real climate scientists” was, in fact, organized by such notables as ClimateGate luminary and hockey stick originator Michael Mann, and lead blogger Gavin Schmidt, subordinate colleague of leading global warming alarmist / Al Gore advisor/ NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies director James Hansen. Their resident propagandist, William Connolley, was recently expelled from an administrative position with Wikipedia where he routinely edited and deleted opposing information and smeared biographical information about skeptical scientists.

As observed by Israeli astrophysicist Nir Shaviv: “The aim of is not to engage a sincere scientific debate. Their aim is to post a reply full of a straw man so their supporters can claim that your point ‘has been refuted by real scientists at’ “. Shaviv, who calls the website “”, also noted that “writers [at RealClimate] try again and again to concoct what appears to be deep critiques against skeptic arguments, but end up doing a very shallow job. All in the name of saving the world. How gallant of them”.

In response to accusations presented by some RealClimate representatives including Michael Mann, Gavin Schmidt and Kevin Trenberth in a blog letter titled “Forbes’ rich list of nonsense” I am posting an open letter on a Climate Depot website. (Note: See Bell’s latest Forbes column here to comment on this article.) Here, I have provided an extensive and highly nuanced accounting of facts supporting that article and broader perspectives on the matter. And while I recognize the agenda behind RealClimate’s desperate hit and run tactic and seriously doubt that my response will satisfy them, the opportunity to address their invitation was too enticing to resist.

Open letter in response to RealClimate blog “Forbes’ rich list of nonsense”

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