Here comes the Cooling?! ”In the last month, did we just lose nearly a century’s worth of global warming?’ ‘Global air and sea temperatures starting to drop rapidly’
Extreme Weather Whining: ‘US in 1930s had nearly as much extreme weather as all other decades combined’
UN IPCC vice-chair Jean-Pascal van Ypersele suspects a conspiracy: Claims ‘climategate’ controversy and Himalayan glaciers were organised to undermine Copenhagen summit
Portland masseuse/Al Gore sex story gets prime time CBS TV drama series treatment
Warmist Arnold Schwarzenegger compares AGW heretics to Nazis? Schwarzenegger on skeptics: ‘This is like Eva Braun selling a kosher cookbook. It’s not about jobs at all’
Next Eco-Scare of Biodiversity is twice climate ransom! Poor nations seek $200bn per year ‘for biodiversity conservation’ — Up from $100 Billion Per Year for global warming!
Prof. Hoffman: ‘Just as few people saw a moral problem with slavery in 18th century, few people in 21st century see a moral problem with burning of fossil fuels’ [email protected]
More idiocy from James Cameron: Calls for ‘children’s crusade’ against C02: ‘I believe ultimately global warming has to be approached as a children’s crusade’
NASA scientist has special hobby: Talking to the dead: ‘I have an ability to communicate with and understand ghosts and spirits’
Russia’s hungry bears dig up graves for food — global warming blamed