BradleyGate: Propagandist Raymond Bradley Accused of Copying 1976 Book — ‘Bradley’s copying is not just incidental’ — Accused of failing to use citations ([email protected])
Joe Romm Cherry Picks Adjusted Data, Quotes Roy Spencer, And Fails To Mention That His Data Disagrees
The Non-Stop IPCC Spin Machine: IPCC’s 258 scientists…many of these 258 are climate modelers — One worked on IPCC reports a decade prior to earning her PhD
The Warmists Can’t Get a Break: Climate Science’s (2nd) Worst Week in History
Warmist Jeff Masters reveals his apocalyptic religious beliefs: ‘The ignorance and greed human society is showing in (denying climate crisis) will be to our ultimate detriment & possible destruction’
Cheers! African climate leader says Cancun talks `will flop’
AGW crusaders now claiming ‘bigger insanities than ever before’ — ‘Old people cure global warming’
Another Scientist Slams NYT’s Revkin: ‘The most offensive part of your column is the use of psychobabble to divert attention from real issue, which is the science, and whether it has been corrupted’
Wash. Post Warmist Ezra Klein claims ‘the scariest sentence I’ve read today’ is about the GOP challenging alleged ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming
Warmist Prof. Gerald North ‘Caught Fibbing About Hockey Stick’ — North Again Shills for Michael Mann ([email protected])