The missing ‘Hockey Stick’: Yet another ‘new climate reconstruction from the birth of Jesus Christ to the present’ appears to show current temps not unusual
Flashback: Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Carbon based energy has been one of the greatest liberators of mankind in the history of our planet’
It’s the Moral Choice! Peabody Energy CEO: ‘Eliminate energy poverty and inequality by unlocking power of coal to advance energy security’ — Calls for ‘greater use of coal to expand electrification’
The Chosen One? Obama Presides Over A Hurricane Free Presidency: ‘First president to have not had a hurricane make landfall on US soil’
REPORT: Democrats got 96% of Big Green campaign contributions
Carbon Scam: Cancel all your European travel and vacation plans – carbon trading extortion is here — ‘ban flights from landing if airlines don’t engage in carbon trading’
Shock Flashback: Greenie David Roberts of Grist on Hansen: ‘I know I’m not supposed to say this, but Hansen managed his transition from scientist to activist *terribly*. All influence lost’
Yet Another Study: Ice changes on Kilimanjaro not caused by warming — ‘Vanishing ice due to tree-felling’
Senate report: New EPA rules will cost more than 800,000 jobs
Shattering the Greenhouse Effect: Swedish climatologist Dr. Hans Jelbring offers high school advanced level debunking of the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’