German geologist analyzes 3 centuries of temperature data back to 1701: Finds ‘nearly as many cooling trends as warming trends’
West Arctic Peer-Research Confirms Greenland Ice Core Data: Medieval & Roman Periods Warmer Than Modern Climate
UN global warming talks declared ‘hopeless’
Heavy snow across the world: New Zealand, Canada and The Alps hit with brutal winter weather
UN to World: Show us the money! — UN seeks ‘rich countries to pony up’
Paper: 50 People Who Matter 2010 — 32. Stephen McIntyre: ‘A figurehead for many climate-change skeptics…no doubt he has shaped the debate’
‘Hottest Year Ever?’: Arctic Ice Growth Continues At A Record Pace — ‘Now 35% higher than 2007 and back to 2009/2005 levels’
New Northern Hemisphere Research: 30 Datasets Prove Roman/Medieval Warmings Hotter Than Current Temps
Climatologist Pielke Sr. accuses Nature mag. of ‘bias’ for inviting and then uninviting his analysis
It’s a consensus: Republican and Democratic candidates for Robert Byrd’s seat oppose cap-and-trade