‘The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange’ — Plagued by a free fall in carbon emissions prices and perennial failure Cap-and-Trade Bill, it seems it’s on its last legs
Cold snap kills hundreds of people, thousands of cattle, and millions of fish in South America; CO2 blamed
James Cameron Cons U.S. Gov’t into featuring him in NASA videos to ‘help boost environmental awareness and exploration’
Shock: Greenie David Roberts of Grist turns on NASA’s Hansen: ‘I know I’m not supposed to say this, but James Hansen managed his transition from scientist to activist *terribly*. All influence lost’
Prof. Pielke Jr.: ‘The ability of developing countries to access UN funds for adaptation depends upon their ability to attribute specific events to human-caused climate from greenhouse gas emissions’
Groundswell of support for Climate Spin Doctor Michael Mann: Oops! Just 3 students and two professors rally in support of Mann!
Spoof: Cowardly director James Cameron to be purged from the Party!
Ice Sheet Loss Cut In Half: ‘When more exact measurement separation methodology is applied to GRACE geoid data, ice sheet shrinkage, which has been systematically overestimated, is cut in half’
New Peer-Reviewed Study: IPCC’s Ice Sheet Models Totally Wrong; Ice Sheet Loss Predictions Not Based On Reality
Blaming climate skeptics for green failures is convenient but wrong: ‘Greens outspent skeptics, they had the ear of political class, effectively demonized and even silenced opponents’