Gore’s warming book removed from VA Public School’s summer reading list after parent complaint
‘Will You Shut Up Just a Second?’ Warmist Chris Mooney laments ‘the unfortunate but also undeniable effectiveness of climate skepticism howitzer Marc Morano’
Israeli Astrophysicist Nir Shaviv: ‘There is no direct evidence showing that CO2 caused 20th century warming, or as a matter of fact, any warming’
‘What nonsense’: Sea Level Expert mocks claim that sea level ‘is likely to rise by 7 metres’: ‘Not only, is this against observational facts, it is also against physics’
‘Global warming debunking seminar’ exposes warmists’ ‘Appeal to Authority’ through claimed ‘consensus’
More Sea Acidification Studies Debunk Fantasy Fears: Sea Urchins Even Thrive With 5,000 PPM CO2 Levels