Peer-Reviewed Study: Climate models can not predict significant climate change — ‘cannot recreate the noise and therefore can not predict climate change in the future’
Mt Everest melting! But who says it’s so?
Read all about it: Climate Scandals: List Of 94 Climate-Gates — 94 climate-gates total — 28 new gates — 145 links to reports with details
Warmist turned Skeptic? Judith Curry Speaks: ‘The level of vitriol in climate blogs reflects last gasp of those who thought they could influence international energy policy through power politics’
Atlantic’s Editor Clive Crook under fire for dissent: ‘Joe Romm tells me to “retract [my] libelous misinformation and apologize to Michael Mann’Warns of ‘the dangers of groupthink’
The late Schneider speaks about Climate Depot: ‘Implying that our [black] list is comparable to that created by Marc Morano when he worked for Sen. Inhofe is decidedly unconvincing and irresponsible’
… Smackdown: ‘They are now just the propaganda arm of the extreme end of the climate/political spectrum’
German Scientist Laments: ‘Climate science attempted to work too much with catastrophe reports. But that bubble blew last fall. As a result, trust suffered immeasurably’
Yet another alarmist visits the Arctic and nearly freezes to death; also warns children that it’s too warm up there
Latest Peer-Research on Mayan Civilization Confirms Medieval Climate Change Was Unprecedented – The Worst In Last 3,000 Years