Exclusive: The Climate Caper book excerpt: ‘The science behind the issue, was irrelevant even before the so-called ‘IPCC process’ got off the ground’

Climate Depot Exclusive

The Climate Caper by Garth Paltridge, published by Taylor Trade Publishing. Reprinted with permission of the publisher. Foreward by Lord Christopher Monckton.

Exclusive excerpt of Chapter 1 called “Overview.”


“Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” — From President Eisenhower’s farewell address to the nation January 17, 1961

The greenhouse global-warming issue has run much faster and further than a lot of scientists expected two decades ago when the first report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—the IPCC for short—was being written. Normally there is a cycle of public and scientific interest in environmental issues, and we guessed at the time that the concern with global warming was already past its peak. The point we all missed was that the global warming issue could be manipulated into the ultimate example of the politically correct. The need to do something about the problem plays to the agendas of virtually all branches of modern social activism.
Suffice it to say that the science behind the issue, and particularly the uncertainty of the science behind the issue, was irrelevant even before the so-called ‘IPCC process’ got off the ground.

The organizers of the IPCC set up a report-producing mechanism involving three separate international working groups. The first dealt with the science behind the actual predictions of climatic warming.

The second concerned the potential impact of that warming on human society and its welfare. The third was the only group that really mattered. It was designed right from the outset to examine and recommend options for international action to avert a climatic disaster.

The groups did their work in parallel. There was no pretence by the semi-political international negotiators of the third working group of waiting for outcome from the deliberations of the scientists within the other two groups. There was no need. They could develop their arguments quite independently because they knew, more-or-less, what the scientists would say. In fact all they really needed to know was that the other two working groups would not come out with a categorical statement to the effect that greenhouse warming is a load of nonsense. In this respect the third working group was betting on an absolute certainty. Even if