What a difference 3 years makes! Flashback 2007: 4th grade class issues dire report: ‘Global warming is a huge pending global disaster’
…Warmist Propagandist and Climategate Apologist Prof. Gerald North asks skeptics: ‘I would appreciate your leaving me out of your blogs’ (North’s Email: [email protected])
Flashback 2009: Prof. North on ClimateGate: ‘It is not a scandal…Scientifically, it means little. All scientists know that this kind of language and kidding goes on’
More Damning Evidence of Sham Oxburgh Climategate Report — Documents, what documents? Oh, you mean the documents!?
Scientist: ‘Currently, science is only guessing at where CO2 emissions come from’
4th-grade climate skeptic wins junior division of National Science Fair — Panel of judges included Al Gore! 4th-Grader: ‘There is not enough evidence to prove global warming is occurring’
Go China! Australian Prime Minister Rudd angry over China’s attempts to derail deal at Copenhagan climate talks: ‘Those Chinese f****** are trying to rat-f*** us’
New Paper With Stunning Admission By Climate Alarmist Scientists: Actual CO2 Emissions Are Unknown; Please Send Money!
Media Lust: The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan Boasts about the Size of Al Gore’s Genitalia: ‘It is well known in Washington Gore is the most hung politician around’