‘The skeptical camp is winning. Daily the alarmists are forced to give ground…tide of battle has shifted decisively and the AGW superstition will ultimately be defeated’
German FOCUS Magazine: ‘The warm times for the planet will soon be over’
Scientist Mocks Ben Santer’s threats claims: ‘Were you nervous when you testified before Congress about how ridiculous climate science in the public has become?’
Analysis of 2007 ‘record’ Arctic ice low: ‘Ice was compacting…It lost area – while it gained thickness’
Now That It’s Over, The Grey Lady Sings
Analysis: Green position on science & tech ‘paradoxical’: ‘Invoke science’ to emphasize global warming… but are quick to reject scientific-technological fixes’
Claim: ‘NASA covered up for forty years proof that the greenhouse gas theory was bogus’
Claim: Hurricanes ‘could be stronger than usual because black oil would heat water faster and accelerate formation’
Forget Genocide & Malnutrition – Sudan Fights Climate Change for the IPCC
Birmingham supports recycling with ‘bra banks’