Listen Now: Exclusive Audio — Morano in Interview ‘Outtakes’, Takes on ABC News Anchor Dan Harris for Shoddy Climate Reporting (Full Transcript & 11 min. Audio here)
Morano & ABC News’ Dan Harris Debate ‘Atrocious Reporting’ of ABC News: MORANO: ‘So I’m not expecting much from you, but we’ll have fun.’
Morano to ABC News: Climategate Scientists ‘deserve’ public wrath: ‘The bottom line is they were at ground zero perpetuating a con job of the illusion of a consensus’
ABC News Outtakes: Morano: ‘People around the world can breathe a sigh of relief. This whole manufactured crisis is ending’
VA AG is Correct to go after Mann & others: Morano: ‘They’re on public dime in many cases and they’re advocating policy changes and radical changes to our lifestyles down to the toilet paper we use’
Scientific ‘crap’: When real world fails, models create virtual reality: Polar Bear ‘tipping point’? ‘Modeling was substituted in lieu of ‘nearly non-existent data’
Lack Of A Trend In The Ocean Surface Temperature Since 2000
FOIA requests filed: Seeking internal discussions about whether and how to burn off oil leaking in the Gulf, and environmentalist pressure and involvement in those decisions’
The end is Nigh for Romm — the ‘vile propagandist’: ‘Global warming: Malaria and Joe Romm’s logic fail–and downright dishonesty’ (Email: [email protected])
The Whole World is Laughing at Romm’s Collapsing Claims: Read Climate Depot’s Archive of Dozens of Articles on Romm’s Wackiness