Celebrate Good Times: ‘The political forces promoting climate change hysteria are under attack and in retreat around the world’
More Scientists Predict Global Cooling! New Ice Age ‘to begin in 2014’ Declares Russian Scientist Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of space research
Inhofe praises Climate Depot on Senate floor speech: ‘Today I should have been in Chicago speaking at the Heartland Institute’s climate conference’
Eco-Mag Grist Laments: Check out Marc Morano’s blog: virtually every other post is about how the tide is turning and victory for climate-change deniers is nigh’
USCAP Members Are Unpatriotic? ‘This is not about the environment. It is about wealth transfers and lifestyle restrictions’
U.Va.’s dishonorable double standard: May ignore Cuccinelli’s request for any ‘correspondence, messages or e-mails’ between Mann and 39 other prominent scientists’
Scientist Turned Republican Candidate Addresses Heartland Conference
Lindzen’s PowerPoint Presentation
The Real Consensus: MIT’s Lindzen: Time to Abandon ‘Skeptic’ Label — ‘Skepticism’ implies man-made global warming theory a ‘plausible proposition’