Report: Vegetarians are wrong and eating less meat will NOT save planet — Study finds ‘exaggerated links between farming and global warming’
Analysis: ‘How skeptics can win every battle but lose the war’
Obama’s healthcare victory clears path for climate change bill
UN IPCC’s Pachauri: ‘Deniers of climate change have been lying in wait…the moment this opportunity arose they’ve decided to strike and since then they’ve been on a rampage’
UK warmists now scaring kids: ‘Government has been reduced to rallying support for its reviled global warming schemes by scaring kids’
Claim: Climate Change battle has been won — ‘It is unlikely that the U.S. will now implement any drastic program to manage CO2’
Study: ‘Swirling winds’ caused record breaking loss of ice in Arctic — not global warming
Meteorology Professor slaps down latest Arctic Scare book with foreword by Al Gore
Climate Astrology: Flowers losing scent due to global warming: ‘Scents in flowers last longer in colder climate as plants can hold on to their essential oils longer’
Physicist Bob Park seems to be losing his religion: Now asks: ‘Is Earth’s climate determined entirely by the Sun, or is there a component of anthropogenic warming?’