Questions Swirl Around ‘Little-known Group’ Selected As UN’s Climate Auditors: ‘I doubt we can expect objectivity’
Newsweek’s Begley: ‘Their Own Worst Enemies — Why scientists are losing the PR wars’
A Major Warmist to Fall? Calif. Sen. Boxer Falling Behind Republican Challengers In Field Poll
Permafrost study: ‘Expansion of deciduous shrubs in the Arctic region, triggered by climate warming, may reduce summer permafrost thaw’
UK’s Lord Stern: Copenhagen climate conference doomed by ‘arrogance’ of rich countries
Carbon Trading Bubble Bursting! European emission trading rocked by scandal over recycled carbon permits
A Laugh Riot: Obama’s White House Task Force Report: ‘Climate change already is affecting the ability of Federal agencies to fulfill their missions’
Breaking the Obama Code: The Green Money Machine
Polar bear trading ban defeated at UN conservation meeting
‘The mystery deepens — where did that decline go?’ — ‘If 1958 temps were similar to 1990’s, it rewrites the entire claim of unprecedented warming’