Oh No! Can CO2 really give you a sexually transmitted disease? Claim: Ugandan food crises ‘associated with climate change’ linked to higher rates of early marriage for girls’
New Book ‘The Hockey Stick Illusion’ details the case against Michael Mann’s Hockey stick temp chart
More IPCC Woes: New study debunks UN IPCC ‘myths’ about vulnerability of Amazon rain forests to drought
Sen. Inhofe: ‘Defeating Barbara Boxer Is Not a Victory, It’s a Contribution to Humankind’
When the IPCC ‘disappeared’ the Medieval Warm Period
‘New technique shows Roman Warm Period Warmer than Present Day’
Analysis: ‘UN IPCC’s whitewash ‘review’ is the AGW camp’s biggest mistake yet… There is nothing like being judge in your own cause’
UK Telegraph on IPCC Review: ‘Herod orders top UN scientists to investigate mysterious infant slaughter in Judaea’
Hindustan Times: As IPCC stumbles, sceptics gain ground: ‘I am offended that science is being perverted in the name of global warming — today’s environmental cause celebre’
NYT: Women ‘Indignant’ Because New UN Climate Change Group is All Male