Discredited Paul Ehrlich admits fellow warmists in a panic over collapsing global warming movement! ‘Everyone is scared shitless, but they don’t know what to do’
Geologist Chuckles as Global Warming Movement Fades: ‘We’ve all been kind of giggling as we watch this thing fall apart’
Review of U.N. panel’s report on climate change won’t reexamine errors
Warmist on Climate Depot: ‘Morano uses all the psychological tricks in the book for maneuvering his audience, but he is at root anti-Science’
Paging Paul Ehrlich! Fred Pearce on ‘The overpopulation myth’: ‘Population growth is slowing…The idea that growing human numbers will destroy the planet is nonsense’
‘Sweeping changes’: Obama’s ocean task force plan would set up a holistic ‘ecosystem-based’ approach
Delayers: Draft Senate Climate Bill May Not Happen Before Easter
Warming Prof. Stephen Schneider predicts scientists will be killed: ‘You know it’s going to happen…They shoot abortion doctors’ — ‘ I have hundreds’ of threatening emails
‘Hockey Stick’s’ Michael Mann: ‘We all underestimated the depths of dishonesty, dirtiness, and cynicism to which climate change denial movement would be willing to stoop to advance their agenda’
Another Failed Prediction: Latest Peer-Research Finds Claims of Increased Mudslides Due To Global Warming Is Wrong