AP: Outside science academies to review ‘beleaguered’ UN IPCC warming panel
Former Apartheid Spy Appointed to Head UN Climate Change Effort
Scientist on ‘the Logarithmic Effect of CO2: ‘First 20 ppm accounts for over half of heating effect to the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm, by which time CO2 is tuckered out as a ghg’
Mother Jones asking right question: ‘Was Waxman-Markey Climate Bill A Waste of Energy?’ — ‘Lawmakers who sweated over House cap-and-trade bill aren’t happy’
Blame Bart Simpson? EPA chief blames Simpson’s cartoon’s ‘hurtful portrayal’ for agency’s poor image — EPA is losing a public relations war over climate regulations
UK greenie George Monbiot despairs of the AGW cause – ‘There goes my life’s work’
NYT: ‘On the Causes of Climate Deadlock’: Prof. Yulsman Issues Warning: ‘Any scientist who thinks he or she can beat Morano at his own game is in for a very rude awakening’
Financial Times cites Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘No one believes the warming scientists as they have overreached themselves…It became a silly game where they were trying to scare people’
Climate Depot in Chicago Tribune: ‘Climate change skepticism a litmus test for GOP’ Morano: ‘The new political expediency is to be a global warming skeptic’
Faith-Based Climate Astrology: Women hit by global warming head to Capitol Hill: ‘We have freezing temps when we shouldn’t have freezing temps’
Climate Depot Editorial
Reuters has a fascinating story that illustrates just how absurd and desperate man-made global warming “science” and claims have degenerated.
The March 8, 2010 Reuters article by Environmental Correspondent Deborah Zabarenko, is entitled “Women hit by climate change head to Capitol Hill.” The article quotes women from the developing nations of Peru and Uganda blaming every weather related calamity on man-made global warming.
“Nature is disrupted,” Marisa Marcavillaca of Peru said through a translator. “It rains when it shouldn’t rain. We have freezing temperatures when we shouldn’t have freezing temperatures. Because our yields are down, it is difficult to feed our children.”
The Reuters article continued: “We didn’t know what was happening,” [Constance Okollet of Uganda] said, wiping away tears at the memory. “We blamed God.” When the floods returned in 2009, with “drastic rain,” hailstorms and wind, destroying schools, contaminating the water supply and disrupting planting seasons, Okollet learned that human activities are one cause of climate change. The floods were followed by a eight-month drought.
“We want reduced emissions,” she said. “Let them have some plans for adaptation so that we get our seasons back.”
End Reuters Article Excerpt.
Sadly, scientific tripe like this are now going mainstream during the waning days of the man-made global warming fear movement. Events which used to be called “acts of God” or Mother Nature, are now being blamed on mankind’s emissions of a trace essential gas (CO2) in the atmosphere that we exhale from our mouths.
‘Climate Astrology’ Takes Hold
Here are two scientists who have accurately described this faith based climate “science”:
Japanese scientist Kanya Kusano, a Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, has publicly declared that man-made climate fear promotion is now akin to “ancient astrology.”
Mathematical physicist Dr. Frank J. Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics, astrophysics, at Tulane University, agrees with Kusano. “Whether the ice caps melt, or expand — whatever happens — the AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. A perfect example of a pseudo-science like astrology,” Tipler wrote on May 15, 2009. “It is obvious that anthropogenic global warming is not science at all, because a scientific theory makes non-obvious predictions which are then compared with observations that the average person can check for himself,” Tipler explained.
“As we know from our own observations, AGW theory has spectacularly failed …