Gore: World To End, Fox News To Blame?
Reaction to Gore: ‘Stop Gore Before He Lies Again..and Again…and Again!’
Gore’s Back: ‘We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change’ — Claims global warming ‘causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow’ (Why didn’t Gore warn of blizzards in his film?)
Booker: ‘A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC: The emerging errors of 2007 report are not incidental but fundamental’
Michael Mann asked about Climate Depot: Q: ‘You’ve got someone out there like Marc Morano, who is incredibly effective at doing what he does, his website is ClimateDepot, it is very high traffic’
UK University ‘tried to mislead MPs’ on Climategate e-mails
Spurious Warming in the Jones U.S. Temperatures Since 1973
Senators to propose abandoning cap-and-trade: ‘Cap-and-trade is dead’
Leading scientists write letter to tell the EPA to think again on Co2
Institute of Physics damns the Climategaters’ ”science’