MIT’s Lindzen slaps down Kerry Emanuel’s climate claims: ‘To claim that the little we’ve seen is larger than any change we “have been able to discern” for a thousand years is disingenuous’
Climate Depot’s Morano addresses 2010 CPAC on global warming after accepting Accuracy in Media award
Can a man be this clueless? Michael Mann Claims scientists do not ‘have a single politically driven motive’ as he slams Obama healthcare opponents as ‘irrational sort of conspiracy driven lunatics’
Climategate’s Michael Mann agrees warmists have huge financial resources
Geologist: ‘Since the Climategate scandal broke, the global warming hoax has collapsed like a house of rotten cards’
‘Leftists are inclined to believe in climate change because its ‘solutions’ — central control and wealth redistribution — are things they already desire’
Wash. Times: ‘More errors in temperature data: The global warming cult sees its superstitions shattered — The hysteria is based on fraud’
‘Russians say Nyet! to the global warming scam’
Obama’s federal government can weatherize your home for only $57,362 each
Actual Headline: ‘Too Bad, Commies: Global Warming Is Done’