I’m a free fallin, I’m a free fallin: Rasmussen Poll: ‘Only the Democrat base (35%) now thinks climate change is man-made’
UN Freak Show Continues: ‘Another IPCC Error: Antarctic Sea Ice Increase Underestimated by 50%’
More UN IPCC Woes: WildFireGate: IPCC’s latest great source: a newsletter than doesn’t even back its scare
Texas, Skeptics Seek Court Review of EPA’s ‘Endangerment’ Finding
Obama’s hometown paper The Chicago Tribune: ‘The UN panel’s credibility is heavily damaged — and so is the science of global warming’
Tarot Card Time — More Climate Astrology: Global warming causes an increase and a decrease in San Francisco fog
Golden-Gate-gate? San Fran’s Fog silliness
American media ignore global warming collapse
What does average Temperature mean part 2
Laugh Riot! UN IPCC ‘has asked governments around the world to nominate scientists to the panel that will review and finalize its fifth climate assessment report’