WaPo’s Dana Milbank: Climate activists ‘blamed global warming for shrinking sheep in Scotland, more shark and cougar attacks, genetic changes in squirrels…’
Milbank: ‘The scientific case has been further undermined by high-profile screw-ups’
Shock: Wash. Post’s Milbank: ‘In DC’s blizzards, the greens were hoisted by their own petard…For years, activists have argued by anecdote…with claims bordering on the outlandish’
UK Telegraph: ‘Climategate: the official cover-up continues’
Climategate’s Phil Jones: Climate data ‘not well organized’ and Medieval Warm Period debate ‘not settled’
Scientist: ‘Global warming [will] finally be recognized as the world’s greatest political hoax’
Director of University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU): Climate change skeptics ‘playing Russian roulette with planet’
Scientist Knappenberger Challenges EPA on Warming: ‘Anthropogenic greenhouse gases may be responsible for less than half of observed warming since mid-20th century’
Sen. Inhofe calls for UN IPCC Chair Pachauri to testify before Congress
Report: NOAA eats another 1/3 of stations from GHCN database