New voices urge IPCC chief Pachauri to step down: ‘The longer he stays, the more damaging for the IPCC it will be’
Listen Now: UN IPCC’s Pachauri the next Bernie Madoff? Climate Depot’s Morano on The Tommy Schnurmacher Show
It’s Official: Most Snow on Record in Washington, DC – Breaks 1899 Totals
Australiagate: Now NASA caught in trick over Aussie climate data
Physicist on Time Mag.: ‘When you look at his article carefully, you will see that there are no valid arguments, and those that are presented as arguments are completely wrong’
Climatologist Pielke Sr. on Time Mag.: ‘These news articles would be more accurate (and effective) if the actual behavior of the climate system were presented’
Atmospheric Physicist Dr. Fred Singer: ‘The end of the IPCC…ClimateGate suggests conspiracy to commit fraud’
Another scandal: IPCC burned on claim of wildfires affecting Canadian tourism
Warming believer Tom Yulsman: Has the IPCC outlived its usefulness?
DC now under (another) Blizzard warning