Report: Obama’s Secret (Climate) Slush Fund: ‘Created a black box for taxes and spending on climate change hidden inside its 2011 budget’
New Zealand’s original climate data missing
National Post editorial board: UN IPCC ‘no longer has any credibility’
Wash. Times: ‘Man-caused catastrophic global warming theory is dead, and it needs to be buried’
‘Can Global Warming Be Reborn?’ Advice: ‘Don’t circle the wagons. The IPCC and the East Anglia Climate Research Unit are, from a PR point of view, toast’
UK Guardian: ‘Controversy behind the ‘hockey stick’ graph…used by IPCC to illustrate a compelling story of man-made climate change raises questions about transparency’
‘Maybe the ‘warmest year’ [1998] wasn’t as hot as the ‘warmers’ were claiming?’
UK Guardian: ‘Scientists used peer review to exclude skeptic researchers’ — Climategate ‘exposes the real process of science, its jealousies and tribalism’
Climategate’s Phil Jones defends his research: ‘I feel tremendously pressurised by all this’
No apology from IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri for glacier fallacy: ‘You can’t expect me to be personally responsible for every word in a 3,000 page report’