Timeline of the events of Climategate
Group Demands REAL Investigation Into Climategate’s Michael Mann
The Climate is Changing: ‘Al Gore’s moment has come and gone’
Cold snap linked to global warming — ‘Experts say global warming not only warms the world, it also brings colder extreme weather’
CNN asks: Has this winter affected your belief in global warming?
Putin: Russia needs to ‘promptly’ address ‘global cooling’ effects
NZ scientist at center of Pachauri’s ‘money laundering’ allegations refuses to talk — hangs up phone when questioned
Media has ‘turned a blind eye to the obvious and egregious conflicts of interests’ by UN IPCC’s Pachauri
Report: Hungarian Physicist Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi proves CO2 Emissions irrelevant in Earth’s Climate
‘And lo! On the 12th day of the 9th year of the 3rd millennium, a strange phenomenon appeared on the BBC — in the ‘Science & Environment’ pages, not even one news item was dedicated to climate’