Get Ready: Next Arctic Blast colder
‘The smoking gun’ about UN IPCC’s Pachauri? ‘The noose tightens’
AP: Experts: Cold snap doesn’t disprove global warming
‘Snow blindness’ spreads in newsrooms
Global Warming as Climastrology: ‘The good news for 2010 is that the climate fraudsters are on the run’
‘Environmentalists need to find a new cause to soak taxpayers. AGW is dead, even if the corpse is still twitching’
‘It is time for Zero Tolerance of AGW fraudsters and their political masters’
Video: Anti-Whaling Speedboat Wrecked in Collision With Whalers
BBC: ‘Global warming may dominate the headlines, but it is the cold of winter which…proves much more hazardous to health – especially for the elderly and the sick’
CIA to ‘spy on polar bears and porpoises instead of terrorists?’