French Revolution! Carbon tax ruled unconstitutional just two days before taking effect
Climategate on Finnish TV w/ subtitles
TERI-Europe: ‘Great global empire controlled by UN IPCC’s Pachauri…it is not quite what it seems, apparently enjoying a flood of grant-funded work, yet living off thin air’
‘What’s catastrophic about Climategate is that it reveals a science as broken as Michael Mann’s hockey stick’
Debate Time? Lord Monckton: ‘Come on Al baby, I’m waiting’
Climategate: Actual ‘Global’ Warming Only Affects 10 to 20% of World, Sometimes
German Scientist Beck’s Analysis: ‘The real Co2 levels in history’
Wash Post Laments: 2009 saw erosion of clarity on climate
Sir Richard Branson loses it: ‘Carbon is the enemy. Let’s attack it in any possible way we can, or many people will die just like in any war’
The UK Meteorological Office: slightly less reliable than tea leaves or cock entrails