We’re all delayers now! UN climate treaty may need extra year
Wash. Post: ‘Is this really the time to talk about the threat of climate change?’ Greens debate minimizing global warming threat
Supersize warehouse store Costco touts Gore – Climate Depot Responds
Reality challenges Gore’s claims: ‘Predictions of climate change induced natural disasters falling flat’
GOP Sen. Graham’s Moment of Clarity: I would have voted no on Boxer bill
CEI: Boxer ‘so poisoned the atmosphere in Senate that the terrible Kerry-Boxer bill is now dead’
Climate Predictions Invalidated: ‘New study in journal Science shows all the climate modeling results of past are erroneous’
NOAA: 3rd COLDEST Continental USA Temps Since 1895!
Czech President Klaus on cap-and-trade: ‘I protest against calling it a ‘market solution. It reminds me of communist planners who similarly talked about ‘using market instruments’
GOP group defending Sen. Graham’s climate position investigated…’traces its roots to organizations run by George Soros’