450 Scientific Papers ‘Supporting Skepticism of ‘Man-Made’ Global Warming’
Faith leaders say moral duty to tackle climate change
Sign the Petition here: ‘Repudiation of Proposed Treaty of Copenhagen’
New Anti-UN Petition: ‘We will no longer countenance the fraudulent, unscientific, now-discredited Superstition that is Climate Change’
Meteorologist: ‘Gore still addicted to nonexistent hurricane-climate link in new book’
Oops. Didn’t take your own advice: Flashback 2004: David King: ‘Antarctica likely to be world’s only habitable continent by end of century if warming remains unchecked’
‘Rapid warming in 1990s, culminating in hottest year on record in 1998, was erroneously used to suggest climate change was accelerating’
Breakthrough! Warmists now lament ‘exaggerated claims’ by ‘environmentalists, politicians, and journalists who distort climate science to support an agenda’
More than 2 feet: Record October snowfall blankets Colorado
Sen. Boxer to move ahead on climate bill