Stop the Madness! ‘Labels listing CO2 emissions associated with production of foods…appearing on grocery items and restaurant menus’ in Sweden
Republicans may delay climate bill markup
Obama: Climate Pessimism ‘Far More Dangerous’ Than Climate Deniers — Decries ‘naysayers’ who ‘make cynical claims’ that ignore scientific evidence
Don’t Miss this! Climate Depot’s Morano on CSPAN: ‘Consensus in Freefall’ – Morano Begins at 1 hour 59 min. into Video
WWF Extends Dire Consequences Deadline
Prof. Pielke Jr. on Obama’s MIT Climate Speech: ‘I heard the phrase ‘climate change’ only 2 or 3 times and ‘cap-and-trade’ was nowhere to be found’
Climate Change Skeptics Embrace ‘Freakonomics’ Sequel
‘Skeptics, be forewarned—this fight is far from over’
Climatologist slams AP for ‘making up’ global warming claims — ‘significant minority of climate scientists do not consider greenhouse gases as the primary cause for global warming’
Another Dissenter: Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Tim Coleman rejects ‘hysteria’ of global warming