CNN’s Lou Dobbs Hosts Rare Global Warming Debate Over Gore’s ‘Errors’ — Mocks claim that cap-and-trade is ‘market based plan’ (Video)

Transcript of CNN’s LOU DOBBS TONIGHT – Aired October 12, 2009 – 19:00 ET

Video of Full Segments: Part 1 and Part 2. (For more on this issue also see: 1) Inconvenient Questions: Skeptical documentary maker’s microphone cut off after challenging Gore about climate ‘errors’ 2) Watch Video of Exchange Between Gore and ‘Not Evil Just Wrong’ Producer McAleer 3) Reality Check: Gore Claims British Court Vindicated School Showing of Movie, ‘Forgets’ It ‘Violated Laws’ 4) ‘Gore Still Lying about An Inconvenient Truth’ and UK Court ruling 5) Gore Effect: ‘Gore spoke about global warming here in Madison on Friday. Saturday, it snowed’ 6) ‘Hundreds gathered at State Capitol in Madison, Wi to oppose Gore and his alarmist Climate Change policies’ 7) 2008 U.S. Senate Report Debunks Polar Bear Extinction Fears

Key Excerpts from Lou Dobbs Tonight:

Dobbs: Phelim McAleer. He is the director and the producer of the documentary ‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’ – who you just saw, by the way, questioning Al Gore. Good to have you with us. And Fred Krupp. He is the president of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF). Good to have you with us.


KRUPP of EDF: The good news is we have a common sense plan (cap-and-trade) that’s tried and tested in the United States, a market-based plan that will keep America in the driver’s seat for the economy. Lou, you know, China – China is…

DOBBS: Well, keep us in the driver’s seat? I just have to interrupt you there. This is the driver’s seat we’re in right now?

MCALEER: Lou, it’s a common sense plan by a millionaire head of an environmental organization, with big business to keep smaller competitors out. It’s about regulating and keeping big business in the position it’s in by these millionaire environmental organizations.

KRUPP: Not so. You know, we have a website…

MCALEER: You know, Fred – Fred earns $500,000 a year. Do the people of America want their future and their economy to be decided by a millionaire lawyer who calls himself an environmentalist working with big business, keeping competitors out and bringing in increased regulations?


FULL CNN TRANSCRIPT: Lou Dobbs: Coming up next – Former Vice President Al Gore confronted on his global warming claim. Some say his movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ turns out not to be a truth at all. One critic taking on Mr. Gore face to face.