Democratic Deniers? ‘Is Sen. Reid bailing on climate legislation?’
Bloomberg News Poll: 58% of Americans view global warming as ‘minor threat’ or ‘no real threat at all’
Flashback: Well done Mr. George W. Obama! Obama administration planning to weaken Copenhagen climate deal, Europe warns
Delayers: Sen. Reid Says Cap-and-Trade Bill May Wait till 2010
Report: High School teacher faces ‘disciplinary action’ for assigning students to ‘Expose the Myth of Global Warming’
Climate Depot OpEd: ‘Scientific consensus’ should be put on the stand
WaPo’s Freedman: ‘I started my last semester of graduate school’
WaPo’s Freedman: ‘I am not a policy reporter, so I didn’t think it was appropriate to engage in that [debate]’
WaPo’s Freedman: I thought it would devolve into a discussion about carbon taxes and cap-and-trade’
WaPo’s Freedman: ‘I felt like we had gone back and forth on the web enough’