Report: ‘Green, UN, rich nation and African elites impose deadly anti-development colonialism’
Parts of U.S. forecast to have a ‘year without a summer’
Will global cooling be replaced by global warming?
Report: ACORN Enters the Highly Lucrative Global Warming Hysteria Business
‘How preposterous of the UK Met Office to issue a weather forecast for 71 years hence’
House Climate Bill to federalize local building codes
UN climate talks are checkmated at the moment
Economist: ‘Impact of CO2 regulations will hurt us far more than CO2 itself ever could’
Sen. Inhofe: CBO Report on Cap-and-Tax Bill: Higher Taxes, Lost Jobs, Lower Wages
Brrrrr. Too cold for ice cream! Parts of U.S. forecast to have a ‘year without a summer’
The long winter of 2009 continues with unseasonable cold and snow continuing in many parts of the world. AccuWeather is forecasting parts of the U.S. may have a “year without a summer.” Below is a small sampling of recent articles on the June 2009 chill.
Parts of U.S. forecast to have a ‘year without a summer’
Record-low temp recorded in International Falls
Cool has pushed growth of Western Canada’s wheat and barley crop at least 10 days behind schedule
Unseasonably-cool weather slows ice cream sales
Frost may force Brazil to cut this year’s corn output
‘Worst springs in recent history’: ‘Persisstent Cold, wet spring hindering farmers in Manitoba
Canada’s June frosts the most widespread in recent memory
‘Unusually cold spring continues’ — two more cold records set in N. Dakota
Isn’t this June? Snow sticking around on Pikes Peak…’7 foot snowdrifts’
North Dakota city sees first June snowfall in 60 years
Twin Cities wrapping up summer cold snap that hasn’t been matched since 1951
Nearing mid-June in Wisconsin: No sign of summer in forecast
Schoolchildren rescued from hiking trip as June snow and cold hits California
Finland: Chicks killed by the frost in chilly early summer
Ireland: ‘Unseasonably cold weather’ kills famous chickens
Green Bay breaks 1943 cold temperature record
New Zealand ski resort sees earliest ever opening as heavy snow hits
Botswana: Cold Weather Forecast hit by severe winter
‘Devastating freeze’: Spring frost in Texas killed ‘99% of our peach crop this year’
Freezes were noted this morning in parts of Montana
Prediction: Northwest Passage won’t clear this year
Wyoming: Unseasonably cool temperatures brought a late spring snowstorm and freeze warnings
New record lows were again established in southern Alberta
Below normal temps bring frost damage to Michigan hayfields
Erie, PA: Temperature dips to record low of 40
Winnipeg likely ‘to see a record low maximum temperature’
Parts of Canada forecast to get 4 to 8 inches…’set new record lows’
N. Dakota: 80,000 cattle likely have been lost to the harsh winter