Video: Smaller cars are great for business! Morticians Association Endorses Obama’s Tough New Fuel Efficiency Standards
Obama Proposes Text for Warming Treaty That Would Impose Stricter Rules on U.S. Than China or Saudi Arabia
Congressman to oppose climate bill: ‘Whole basis of policy is based on bad science’
Flashback: Jan. ’09 U.S. Senate Report: Scientists, Data Challenge New Antarctic ‘Warming’ Study – ‘It is hard to make data where none exist’
Shock: Real Climate touted Steig et al ‘Antarctica is warming’ study ‘falsified’ — ‘the paper’s premise has been falsified’
Paper: ‘Introducing cap-and-trade during worst global recession since the Great Depression is stark, raving, mad’
House climate bill ‘cannot survive cost-benefit analysis’
‘Dishonesty’: ‘Just transfers deaths by storms to the ‘global warming’ category’
Attempt to Silence Climate Depot Fails
Not The First False Claim About 300,000 Deaths