20 U.S. citizens fast for climate action – ‘No solid foods’ for between 25 and 40 days
Sun Oddly Quiet — Hints at Next ‘Little Ice Age?’
Climate Depot ’emerging as the United States’ leading denier forum’
Claim: ‘Green’ lightbulbs poison workers: Hundreds of factory staff made ill by mercury used in bulbs
Inhofe Calls EPA’s Endangerment Finding a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’
Aussie Geologist touts new skeptical book: ‘The average person knows that they are being conned’ by climate fear promoters
NASA Warming Scientist James Hansen Hopes Congressional Climate Bill Fails!
Washington, DC – NASA scientist James Hansen, perhaps the most vocal voice in the U.S. warning of a man-made global warming crisis, has declared he hopes Congressional efforts to pass a cap-and-trade climate bill fail. “I hope cap and trade doesn’t pass, because we need a much more effective approach,” Hansen said during a keynote lecture at Columbia University’s climate conference on May 2, 2009.
Hansen urged Congress to “abandon cap-and-trade initiatives altogether and implement a simple carbon tax instead” according to a May 4, 2009 article titled “Hansen hopes lawmakers’ cap-and-trade approach to climate will fail” in the trade publication E&E News. (Subscription required.)
Hansen also ridiculed international efforts to control emissions. The Kyoto Protocol “didn’t do anything to global emissions. We need real action, not just another Kyoto Protocol,” Hansen said according to the article. Hansen has previously called global warming cap-and-trade ‘ineffectual.” (See: NASA’s James Hansen declares cap-and-trade “ineffectual.”)
Hansen also lamented that the public continues to be apathetic man-made global warming fears and cited recent public opinion polls showing American’s are not concerned about the issue. [Editor’s Note: A March 25, 2009 Gallup survey found global warming ranked dead last in the U.S. among ENVIRONMENTAL issues. Concern for “global warming” ranked at the bottom (8 out of 8 concerns) of such other environmental issues as water pollution, endangered species, toxic waste and rainforests. “Global warming is clearly the environmental issue of least concern to them. In fact, global warming is the only issue for which more Americans say they have little to no concern than say they have a great deal of concern,” Gallup wrote on March 25. An April 17, 2009 Rasmussen Poll found Only 34% Now Blame Humans for Global Warming – ‘Lowest finding yet’ — ‘reversal from a year ago!’ A January 22, 2009 Pew survey found global warming ranked dead last as priority for 2009 – 20 out of 20. In addition, a January 20, 2009 Rasmussen Reports survey found a majority of U.S. Voters – “51% — now believe that humans are not the predominant cause of climate change.” (Also see: Gore laments global warming efforts: ‘I’ve failed badly’ – Washington Post – November 11, 2008 ) ]
Carbon trading ‘verging on a gigantic scam’
Hansen’s rejection of global warming cap-and-trade legislation was echoed earlier this year when James Lovelock, the UK’s loudest voice …
Fox News Did Air Gore’s ‘Every Penny’ Non-Profit Claim – Video Challenges Media Matters Claim
Media Matters for America is claiming that Fox News edited the video clip of Gore’s Congressional testimony during a May 1 segment “to remove his statements that he donates the money he makes from his climate-related work to a non-profit organization.” The O’Reilly Factor segment featured Climate Depot’s executive editor and chief correspondent Marc Morano. (See: The O’Reilly Factor features Climate Depot on Gore’s path to become the first ‘Carbon Billionaire’ )
But Fox News did air the clip earlier in the program of Gore claiming that “every penny” he earns goes to his non-profit.
See this video clip of The O’Reilly Factor’s May 1, 2009 show introduction featuring Gore making the “every penny” statement. (Gore clip begins at 30 sec. mark)
In addition, as one report on Gore’s finances noted: “So what if [Gore’s] giving all his money to the [non-profit] Alliance for Climate Protection. He’s the chair! He gets a tax write-off for donating that money, and then directs where the money goes.” See Background/Related Links section below for more details.
See full report about the May 1, 2009 The O’Reilly Factor with guest host Laura Ingraham here.
Related Link:
Video/Transcript: The O’Reilly Factor features Climate Depot on Gore’s path to become the first ‘Carbon Billionaire’ – May 3, 2009
Excerpt: Morano: ‘He who controls carbon controls life. It is a bureaucrat’s dream to control carbon dioxide’